Seeking an adventure? Think about volunteering overseas.

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Are you yearning for some adventure? Wanting to experience a different culture? A different profession? Do you want to travel independently but don’t know where to begin? Then perhaps volunteering overseas could be what you are looking for.

There is a huge range of volunteer opportunities, all over the globe, and it can be difficult to know where to begin.

This guide can to help you make your volunteering ambitions come true.

How much comfort do you need?

This is a key question and one that is very specific to you. Don’t feel bad if the thought of hostels and home shares fills you with dread. Don’t let other people’s opinion of ‘travel’ deter you from having your own very unique experience. So much of this depends on your age, your health, your own previous experience of travel, your budget, and what it is you are looking to get out of the experience. All options should be considered, and your decision will greatly impact where you can go and what you will experience.

For example, when I volunteered in Peru I opted for the ‘comfort’ level of accommodation which was still pretty basic. I was 46 years old, and I wanted my own space, but I was willing to have a downgrade on what I was used to in order to have a more ‘authentic’ experience. Three days in, and sick as a dog, I moved to a fairly luxurious hotel with a California King Bed and a power shower. I was so unwell that I couldn’t cope with my surroundings.

Did the upgrade in accommodation downgrade my experience? Absolutely not. In fact, it was enhanced. I didn’t need the full immersion experience to feel that I was exposed to real life in Cusco. Being able to relax after a crazy day helped me cope with the whole thing.

How much support do you need (before and during your trip)?

Organising a volunteer experience can be time-consuming and overwhelming). There is so much to consider, such as travel requirements, accommodation, and training, that sometimes is best left to the experts in their field. However, if you enjoy planning all the elements of an experience, and want to keep your costs lower, then self-planning may be the way to go.

Thankfully, there are many options for both scenarios. The more support you require, the more you will likely have to spend.

Organisations such as Globalteer and GVI may be more expensive but they come with the support and security of being an experienced company with a lot of resources at their disposal.

If you prefer a more low-cost route and are happy to take on more responsibility for planning, then organisations such as Workaway and WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) may be the way to go.

Alternatively, there are opportunities to volunteer for much longer periods and receive a small stipend. They are usually aimed at people with particular skills. VSO International is one such organisation. They require volunteers to have a degree or equivalent in a related field and at least three years of relevant professional experience before applying to become a volunteer.

How long do you want to volunteer for?

There are volunteering opportunities available from a week to over a year. Perhaps you are taking a gap year, or a sabbatical and can commit a long period to volunteering. For many, with responsibilities at home, it may not be possible to go for extended periods. Be rest assured, that whatever amount of time you have available to volunteer there will be an experience to suit you.


Volunteering is such a personally enriching experience. Going overseas to volunteer, particularly to a place that is very different from what you are familiar with, can be life-changing.

From my own experience, I learned so much about myself and the type of life I wanted to live. Witnessing the life of my host was humbling. I was ashamed of how much I had taken for granted. Seeing someone live and breathe their passion, and be truly happy with very little in the way of material possessions was mind-altering.

So, if you are feeling a little jaded, and craving something different, have a look at volunteering overseas. It could just be what you need to shake up your life.

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